Tuesday, May 8, 2012

DIY Newspaper Clutch

And a very happy rainy spring day to y'all! Yesterday I took my last final ever (EVER), and while it was not my finest academic moment, it was my last formal academic moment so yay to that. I just realized I haven't posted a DIY in a long time so let me scroll the depths of my super secret blog photos archive and see what's lurking around unpublished...



I've had this obnoxious  fuchsia clutch from UO hiding out in the back of my closet for years. I've never actually used it because it's a really awkward size and I honestly don't even like clutches that much. But I saw this awesome tutorial on I SPY DIY for modpodging a clutch. As any former Girl Scout should, I love mod podge. And this project looked very journalistic to me, so I decided to revamp the little pink box.


I conveniently made this project on daylight saving time day so the Chicago Tribune was full of pictures of famous clocks and very proper noun heavy with famous city landmarks. Perfect!


You can't go wrong with mod podge. If you think something looks dumb, just paint more glue and slap a different section of newsprint over it. I coated my clutch with the glue, stuck a chopped piece of newspaper over it, and layered with more glue. 


I left pieces of print hanging over the sides of the clutch until they dried, then trimmed them off using an exacto blade. 


Each of the two sides look a little different. For the "Chicago" side, I glued my main piece down first and then overlapped it with print. For the "Tribune" side, I glued the main piece over the others. Which side do you think looks better? I think I like the "Chicago" side better... and it has a picture of the Marshall Fields clock!


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